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Instagram - media - press

Ceramic Review

May 2016

Feature on Ceramic Review 

United Kingdom


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Lancet Oncology Journal

February 2016

Article in Lancet Oncology Journal

United Kingdom


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University of the Arts London

February 2016

Interview for Alumni Section

United Kingdom


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Reporter Journal - Imperial College London

February 2016

Article in Reporter Journal

Imperial College London


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Vista Alegre na Maison & Objet - 2014

January 2014

Press release for socical networks



September 2013

"Glem alt om nordisk renhed"

Interview for Politiken by Lars Hedebo Olsen



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Trendease International

July 2013

"New Talent: Ceramic Picks"

Interview for Trendease International

United Kingdom


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Christina's Anatomy

June 2013

"The Cream of New Designers' Ceramic Crop"

Article on Christina Anatomy's blog

United Kingdom


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Elle Deco Lab

April 2013

"Two Centuries of Handles" featured in Elle Deco Lab


Expresso - video

May 2012

Video on the production processes at Vista Alegre

Video by Rui Duarte Silva



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May 2012

"Uma Casa Alegre"

Interview for national magazine Expresso



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Diário de Aveiro

April 2012

"Vista Alegre està a promover uma residência artistica"

Article in local newspaper.


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